P90X Bring IT!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fitness Helps Treat Cancer Patients

by Liz Davies

Exercise is currently being seen as a way to treat people who are going through cancer treatments. While no one is claiming that physical activity will clear cancer that is already in the body, people are seeing that it is an excellent way to be healthy and prevent certain types of cancer and prevent reoccurrence.  Studies performed by the American Cancer Society have shown that cancer patients who have a daily exercise routine consisting of 30 minutes of activity are more likely to have a longer survival period and less likely to see the cancer come back after it is cleared.

People suffering from cancer are highly likely to require some sort of treatment program. The most common forms of treatment include chemotherapy, radiation and even surgery. These treatments often aid in ridding the body of cancer but also have many side effects and are extremely demanding on the body. All cancer treatments will be different; mesothelioma treatment will be far different from colon cancer treatment. And side effects will also vary on the individual depending on health and severity of cancer. Common side effects include exhaustion, nausea and depression. Beginning (or continuing) and exercise regimen is a great way to lesson these harmful side effects.

Previously doctors strayed away from recommending an exercise program as a form of treatment. Slowly but surely it is beginning to be introduced. Before planning a routine it is important for cancer patients to discuss their ideas with a licensed personal trainer for cancer patients or a doctor. All types of exercise can be beneficial for cancer patients whether is it stretching, cardio or strengthening exercises.

Exercise should not be seen as intimidating. All types of exercise can be performed at different levels. Yoga and pilates for beginners is a great way to increase flexibility and is great for people who might be starting up a fitness routine.  Activities like going on a walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and putting the groceries away are also non-intimidating forms of physical activity that will benefit cancer patients. No matter what level of physical fitness cancer patients are experiencing it is very important to keep muscles and joints moving.

Exercise is extremely important for cancer patients and will help lessen symptoms by giving them more energy, a more positive outlook and many physical benefits. 

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


My whole family is fighting the flu for over week already. I will be back to working out when I get better.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hawaii Beach Bodies going viral!

If you found this post through a search engine, then you have experienced SEO. That is short for search engine optimization. My goal is to make Hawaii Beach Bodies known by getting the word out. Helping people find me so I can help them achieve their physical, spiritual,and financial dreams. Try Shakeology!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Building Momentum

Week one of Insanity is almost in the books (AGAIN). The workout today was the much needed Cardio Recovery. Which CR is still a tough workout to do, because of the deep muscle conditioning. My good friend Doug Moniz and I have both taken on the goal to complete all the Insanity and P90X series before summer of next year. Pre-order for P90X2 is live and Insanity Asylum is already available. We are building momentum to already be fit for the new year. So we can maintain those awesome bodies for 2012.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back to blogging

My wife and I are on week two day three of P90X. It feels great! I have lost 26 pounds so far, since my journy has begun. My doctor has removed me from blood pressure and cholesterol medication. I owe it all to beachbody and my favorite meal of the day, Shakeology. I drink it everyday and it is work the extra years added on to my life. Thanks Beachbody!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Need more calories

After calculating my RMR, I realized that my calorie intake is too low. I need 1000 more calories per day to maintain the proper energy level for my workouts.

Insanity is going well. I am feeling better each day. I have already lost 2 inches from each leg in the first two weeks of Insanity and 3 inches from my waist.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Best workout ever!

My wife surprised me with the Bowflex SelecTech dumbbells. Did the Insanity Upper Body Weight Training workout. I love it! My muscles were pumped and I woke up so sore I could barely move. Then I had my Shakeology and the day was good to go. Second week of Insanity is over. I have my next fit test tomorrow. I am excited to see how I progressed. Pure cardio felt easy today and I had a hard time getting my heart rate past 85%. That is a good sign, meaning my heart is getting stronger and my cardio is improving. I never in a million years would have though an Insanity workout would start to feel easier. I have to dig very very dig next week!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Count down continues...

I have lost 28 pounds total and 13 pounds in the last week using Shaun T's Insanity workout. I am counting calories and also eating right. This feels awsome! It is not an easy ride, but it is well worth it. Thank you for following. See you at the finish line.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Insanity Week One

Just completed day 6 of Insanity week one. I lost a total of 8 pounds in my first week. I need 75 more pounds to reach my goal. I am using the Loseit website and app for my Iphone to help track my progress. Still on track so far and it feels great! My goal is still an Insanity "I earned it" t-shirt. My wife will also reward me with a set of Bowflex SelecTech Dumbbells for reaching the 60 day mark. Stay tuned for more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 5 of Insanity

My legs are sore and it is a great feeling. I love the fact that I have had 4 knee surgeries and 1 shoulder surgery and still able to do Insanity. Kudo's to the Honolulu Straub doctors for fixing me up. I have lost 22 pounds towards my goal of 100! Cant wait to get my Insanity T-shirt "I earned it". Fifty five more days to go.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today, I wear the achievement of Diamond coach. I am pleased to finally get to this point in my business, but I owe it all to my team. I couldn't have made it with out them. Having quality people around me has turned my business into a quality experience. Thank you all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 1 for real haha

Starting P90X day one again on Jan 24th. Goal is to lose 76 pounds in 6 months.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thank you for your support!

The support and love I have received from my friends and family has given me the ability to remain in paradise. Help Hawaii Beach Bodies grow by helping yourself get healthy and fit. Visit www.HawaiiBeachBodies.com to get started on your fitness journey.

Done with excuses!

I just finished reading "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It is time to make some major changes in life. I WILL grow physically and financially! I dont know how many times I have started over, but I am getting back up and going to finish. I will put my Beachbody program in the DVD player and push play. My program of choice is P90X. I have to finish the 90 days. I begin again! I will not stop until I complete this program. Dallas Carter once told me that if he fell off, then he started over. Hold me accountable if you are reading this! Thanks ~DeShawn